The Story of PEACE

This section of the PEACE Programmes Learning Platform aims to share the Story of Peace in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland through the prism of the PEACE Programmes. SEUPB is responsible for the management of the records of the Programmes and has a duty to share the Story of the PEACE Programmes in the wider public interest.
This Story has evolved over many years and has reached into the hearts and minds of every community, family, and individual in the region.
The Menu provides access to a Timeline of the Programmes and a summary of the Evolution of the Programmes since they were first introduced in 1994. The Overview of PEACE Programme Content provides an insight into the themes and stories that were addressed over the period. More detailed information on each of the Programmes (PEACE I, PEACE II, PEACE III and PEACE IV) is available under each of the headings.
Behind the facts and figures, a number of Key Themes have emerged over the years that represent the heart of the Story of Peace. Each of these themes is presented in the Menu through a series of papers that reflect on how they have evolved and the role they have played in the development of the Story of Peace. It is hoped that by Discovering the Story of Peace through the PEACE Programmes, individuals and organisations will be encouraged to Collaborate with peace builders in Northern Ireland, Ireland and beyond, and to Learn from each other’s experiences in the promotion of peace and reconciliation.