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Video Details (PEACE III: Snapshot Tour of Museum of Orange Heritage Belfast)

Video Title
PEACE III: Snapshot Tour of Museum of Orange Heritage Belfast
Video Description
Television advertisement for the Museum of Orange Heritage in Belfast and Loughgall, Northern Ireland. The Orange Order received support of £3.6 million from the European Union’s PEACE III Programme to develop two interpretative centres in Belfast and Co Armagh. In a joint project to promote shared space and greater levels of reconciliation through education, the museums at the Institution’s headquarters at Schomberg House and Sloan’s House, Loughgall were officially opened in June 2015. The extension of Schomberg House incorporates a museum, displaying a wealth of items and artefacts relating to the history of Orangeism across the world. The new state-of-the-art building also incorporates a research facility and educational resource, with particular access for school and cross-community focused visits. The refurbishment of Sloan’s House – where the first Orange warrants were signed over 200 years ago – includes an extension to cater for an additional museum exhibition area and provision of detailed information relating to the early history of the Orange Order.
Shared Space
Video Classification
Media/Promotional Material
Video Sub Classification
Project Media File
All Stakeholders