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Video Details (PEACE III: Love Hockey Ireland STAR PEACE III Inline Hockey Programme)

Video Title
PEACE III: Love Hockey Ireland STAR PEACE III Inline Hockey Programme
Video Description
Skating Together Advancing Relations (STAR) is financed through the EU's PEACE lll Programme, managed by the SEUPB and delivered by the Southern Partnership. The programme focuses on using the sport of Inline Hockey to bring people together, break down barriers and have a lasting impact within the Southern Cluster area (Northern Ireland) upon community relations. The aim of the project is to deliver a schools outreach programme, youth engagement programme and ethnic minority programme to enhance cross community relations and aid the integration of ethnic minority groups into local communities. This video is a short production on the schools part of the STAR (Skating Together Advancing Relations) programme.
Video Classification
Media/Promotional Material
Video Sub Classification
Project Media File
Young Adults (14-25yrs)