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Video Details (PEACE IV: Glencree Transforming - Violent Conflict Building Peace)

Video Title
PEACE IV: Glencree Transforming - Violent Conflict Building Peace
Video Description
Nearly 20 years from the signing of the Good Friday Belfast Agreement, the EU PeaceIV funded Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation aims to create meaningful, purposeful and sustained contact between victims and survivor groups and representatives of groups and individuals with differing interpretations of what happened in the past. Based in the Wicklow Mountains, in a remote and peaceful location, only 22 km from Dublin City Centre, Glencree continues to use its centre to facilitate under the radar dialogue between groups involved in, and affected by, violent conflict. This video is taken from the centre's summer event which focused on a theme of Common Good, Common Ground.
Cross Border Co-operation
Video Classification
Media/Promotional Material
Video Sub Classification
Project Media File
Victims & Survivors